Better World Books Discount Code

Social and Environmental Impacts with Better World Books Discount Code

Better World Books was founded by two teammates Xavier and Kreece which developed a prize winning business plan in Notre Dame University and it was considered the “Best Social Venture” by the University. They started working with $7000 prize money and some guidance from the seniors and started generating revenue for to fund various literacy programs in Africa. Moreover, their aim was to earn profits and grow their company. For that purpose, they started collecting older and used books from community centers and libraries and only in six months they collected 2,000 books and after reselling these books they raised $10,000. After that their new business model started to provide them enough profits to grow their company and also to fund literacy projects in Africa. With our Better World Books discount code, now you can also be the part of their social and environmental impact programs by purchasing the huge range of books at the most concessional prices at the internet market.

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Featured Categories with Better World Books Coupon Code

At Better World Books, you can explore the most featured categories of books and they have a huge stock books in each category. You can purchase latest and used books and textbooks also. These categories comprise of antiques and collectibles, art and architecture books, biographies and autobiographies, computer and technology, design, education and history books, home and garden, philosophy and psychology, photography, magazines and newspapers. Also purchase a lot of books on medicine, mind, body and spirit and parenting, family and relationship books. Moreover, you can also purchase books on romance, science, social science and sports and travel books. Also find high quality audio books, DVD Movies and Music CDs. Now use our Better World Books coupon code and purchase the best of quality books at the most incredible rates, despite supporting the cause of literacy and environmental protection. After that, they also included Environment as the major stakeholder in their business model and they started collecting older and used books from various libraries and resold and recycled them in order to protect the human and natural ecology. Their Business plan became inclusive and social and environmental impact were included in their business plan.

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