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Does Global TV announce Promo codes or coupon codes in special events?
Of course, it announces special deals and promotions on different occasions specially in Black Friday, Happy Christmas, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s day and other occasions. So that the customers can enjoy the events celebrations.
Does Global TV operate without cable?
Yes, this is the smart device and cab be operated without cable. You just need strong internet for watching Global TV Channels.
When Global TV Launched ZAAPTV?
It was launched in 2008. ZAAPTV is the leader in IPTV products in the market due to its over 10 years’ experience in the marketplace.
How would I know the latest promotions and Global TV Discount Codes?
It is not a big deal. You just need to stay in touch with our website. We update all latest Global TV
Promo Code, Coupon Codes or Voucher codes on this page. Check the website on regular basis and enjoy money-saving deals and promotions.
From where ZAAPTV products can be availed?
The products of ZaaPTV are only available in Australia and New Zealand. Global TV is the official distribution channel for ZaaPTV products.
What are the products available of Global TV?
It offers the following products:
• Arabic IPTV
• Renewal Cards,
• IPTV Accessories
• GreekTV
Can I shift the time at Global TV?
This is the big facilitation of Global TV that you can shift the timer as per your wish. You can access it 24/7. You also have 7 days catch up options.
Does Global TV work on Satellite System?
No, Global TV is the authorized distributor to provide you Air TV Channels through the internet. It does not use the traditional Satellite services.
Can I get the warranty with Global TV Products?
Of course, the customer gets the warranty for ZAAPTV, ARAABTV and MAAXTV IPTV receivers as this the authorized dealer in Australia and New Zealand.
In how many languages I can enjoy the Global TV channels?
Global TV is the largest provider of ZAAPTV. You can enjoy in Arabic, Greek and Turkish channels in Australia and New Zealand.
Can I apply for reselling the Global TV Products?
Sure, Global TV actively invites the retailers for world renowned Media Player. If you want to become the authorized distributor or reseller of Global TV products, you need to complete the application form available at the website of Global TV. The support team will contact you soon.
How can I get advantage with Global TV Voucher Code?
When you reveal the Global TV Voucher code from any reputable coupon site like us, you need to select the Global TV Products. Add to cart the products and finally paste the Global TV promo code or voucher code in the required field. The website will automatically generate the discounted price of the product.
Can I replace the product after purchasing at Global TV Coupon Code?
Sure, you can easily replace or exchange the product. Coupon code does not affect the policy.