Halara Discount Code

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What is the return policy of the Halara Promo Code?

If the customers are not satisfied with the delivered product, they can contact the customer support center and claim a return and refund. The duration of the return claim is 30 days of purchase.

Do customers get customization or personalization services for their products?

This company is famous for offering a diverse range of ready-to-wear dresses. The company management does not offer any customization or personalization services for their products.

What is the shipping policy of the Halara Discount Code?

The company is offering free shipping services on all orders above $49. The delivery time and shipping charges depend on the area where the order will be delivered.

How does the customer find the right size available at company stores?

To facilitate the customers the company management offers a size chart. The customer can easily check the size before selecting the product and will get the right size item easily.

Does Halara offer clothes in plus sizes?

Yes. It is a famous fashion brand. For the ease of customers, the company management proposes all the clothing items in plus size as well.

What methods of payment are accepted on the website for paying the bill?

Customers may pay their bills in a variety of ways, including using PayPal, credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express), and other safe online payment methods.

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