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How many persons Prinsotel accommodate in one apartment?
When you book your stay with Prinsotel with your family, they allow 3 persons in one apartment in which 3 adults and one child of up to 12 years old and a baby can stay. Their different branches accommodate different range of persons in their apartments. However you can make bookings according to your own situation. You can book special rooms at Prinsotel at affordable prices using Prinsotel discount code.
Do Printosel charge extra money for availing baby chairs and facilities?
if you have babies with you and you need highchairs and cradles for them, you can get them anytime because Prinsotel do not charge any cost for the high chairs and crib for babies. However you just have to mention them at the reception if you want to use them for your babies. They will provide you with the best comfort you can ever imagine.
What extras include select at booking at Prinsotel?
While staying at Prinsotel you can get the facilities of all the extra services with minimum costs. They offer you to use the bathrobes, their slippers, minibar at the rooms, which is always filled with 2 water bottles, sparkling water, coke and bear. You can also use their kitchen accessories for your own personal use and many other facilities in just minimum costs. They include the charges of all these facilities in the charges but you can minimize your costs of extras by using Prinsotel voucher code on your bookings.
Why does Prinsotel offer cheapest prices other than all other hotels?
Prinsotel offer you’re the booking services to their clients directly without including any middle person so that you book your stay at their hotel without asking any agent or other persons. You can book directly with them online through their site. Their services are excellent that customers feel like homes while staying at Prinsotel. You can reduce your prices by using Prinsotel promo code.
Would customers get a refund if they change or cancel their reservations?
When you book your stay with Prinsotel and reserve your rooms or apartments and your payment is made then you cannot make changes or cancel your reservations or otherwise you will not get any refund on your cancellation.
Can customers keep the room with them after departure?
When you book your stay and reserve your apartments you can keep the room with your until your departure but for that you will have to inform the reception.